

Service Settings

To get to the service settings, navigate to the project, that contains your service and then click on the service, that you want to configure.

On this page you can find an overview


The service settings show an overview over all of the settings, that you used to deploy your service. If you need a more detailled explanation about these settings, please read chapter Deploying a Service.

You can update many, but not all of these settings. Updating any configuration here, will automatically trigger a redeploy of your service.

Settings that can't be changed are:

  • the deploy source, you can't switch from GitHub to Docker Hub
  • whether the service is exposed publically or it is accessible on your server only
  • the protocol to communicate with your service (HTTP, TCP, UDP)
  • the server this service has been deployed to

Note: If you need to change any of these unchangeable settings or move to a different server, you can easily deploy a copy of your service via the Deploy Copy feature. The feature can be found in the project page by clicking on the three dot menu on the service that you want to copy.

Service Info

Service Status

The service status shows you instantly, whether you service is running or not. It can either be

  • Up if everything is fine,
  • Down if your service has been deployed, but it is currently not running,
  • or Pending if your service has not yet been deployed, but the deploy is in progress.

Deploy Status

The deploy status shows

  • Deploy Live for successful deploys,
  • Deploy Failed for unsuccessful deploys,
  • Deploy in Progress for deploys in progress.

Apart from the first deploy, the deploy status is independent from your service status. If a deploy fails, it does not bring down your service.

Sliplane first spins up a new version of your service and only redirects traffic, if it can verify that the service is running.

Deploy Hook

A GET request to this URL will trigger a new deploy of your service. Keep this URL secret, as anyone with it can control deploys of your service.


Public services are hooked up with a ...sliplane.app domain in order to access them over the network.

In case you connected a custom domain, you will see your custom domain here.

If your service is private, you will see a private domain here that you can use to connect to your service, from other services on the same server.

For TCP and UDP services, the domain ends with a port, that is used to find your service on the server.


If you deployed from GitHub, you can find a link to your GitHub repository here.

Public Image

If you deployed from Docker Hub, you can find a link to the public image on Docker Hub here.


This links to the server, where your service was deployed on.

Deploying a Service