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Getting Started with teams

Teams in Sliplane are used to group servers, projects and services. You can create as many teams as you like, and each team has its own subscription and billing.

Every user has its own personal team. This team is created automatically when you sign up for Sliplane.

Creating a Team

To create a new team, click on the Team dropdown in the top navigation bar and select “Add Team”. You can then enter a name for your team and click “Create Team”.

After creating a team, you will be redirected to the dashboard of the newly created team.


You can invite other team members via email. Navigate to the team member settings by clicking on “Team” in the left sidebar, or select “Team Settings” in the team dropdown menu inside the main navbar on top.

From there, click on “Add Colaborator” and enter the email address of the user you want to invite. Choose a role for the user and click on “Send invitation”.

If the invitee does not have a Sliplane account yet, he will be asked to create one. Otherwise, he will get an invite email with a link to join your team. The email that you invited needs to match the primary Github email address of the invitee.

Member Roles

Team members can be assigned one of three roles: “Owner”, “Admin”, or “Developer”. The table below outlines the privileges associated with each role:

Read and write access to all resources in the team
Manage collaborators
Manage billing data

Each team can have multiple but must have at least one owner.


In the team settings you can change the name of your team. Just enter a new name inside the team name input field and hit save to update your settings.

Registry Credentials

Registry credentials are used to access private container registries.

In Sliplane, your credentials are stored on team level, meaning everyone in the team can use them.

The credential contains:

  1. The provider, which can either be “GitHub” or “Docker Hub”
  2. A name to help you identify your credential
  3. The username or namespace
  4. A token or password

Find out more information about how to create credentials for private images on GHCR and Docker Hub here:


You can manage all billing related issues through the billing portal, like:

  • adding and updating the payment method for your team
  • viewing and downloading invoices
  • updating your billing address

To access the billing portal, navigate to the billing page and click on “Manage billing data”.

You will be redirected to our payment provider “Stripe” where you can carry out any of the tasks listed above.

How Billing Works

Sliplane charges you only for the resources that you use.

You will be charged for all running servers based on the type of server and the number of minutes that it ran. Charges apply monthly.

You can find more about our pricing on our homepage

Deleting a Team

To delete your team, navigate to the “Unsafe territory” and click “Delete Team”. Take note that you need to delete all servers in your team first in order to be able to delete it.

Your default team can not be deleted.

If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up your team or billing data, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to help!